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Heal (sometimes refered to as Mog Aid or Moogle Aid) is a reocurring White Magic spell in the Final Fantasy franchise, mostly associated with White Mages, who first appeared in the first Final Fantasy game.

When activated, the spell will restore a small amount of HP to the caster or the entire party depending on the game. The spell evolved in later entries to also remove any status ailments active at the time of the cast. Like most other spells, Heal has two upgraded versions, titled Healara and Healaga respectively.

Appearances and Usage[edit]

Final Fantasy I[edit]

In Final Fantasy I, Heal (HEAL/Heal1) is a Lv 3 White Magic spell and restores HP to the entire party based on the user's Intelligence, or between 12-24 HP in the NES and PSX versions. The spell can be purchased in Elfheim by White Mages and White Wizards, or used by anyone with the Healing Staff in their inventory. In the GBA and PSP versions, Heal costs 10 MP. The spell also has stronger versions, known as the Healara (HEL2/Heal2) and Healaga (HEL3/Heal3), with both spells also affecting the entire party.

Healara is a Lv 5 White Magic, costs 25 MP in the GBA and PSP versions, and in the NES and PSX versions restores between 24-48 HP. It can be purchased in Melmond by White Mages and White Wizards, or used by anyone with the Rune Staff in their inventory. In the NES version, using HEL2 in battle will have the effect of HEL3.

Healaga is a Lv 7 White Magic, costs 38 MP in the GBA and PSP versions, and in the NES and PSX versions restores between 48-96 HP. It can be purchased in Onrac by White Mages and White Wizards.

Final Fantasy IV[edit]

In Final Fantasy IV, Heal has two versions. The first is from the SNES version, where it actually is the spell Esuna, although it was changed to the latter in future releases. The second version of Heal is performed by using the Healing Staff item, or by successfully using Rosa's Pray. This version restores a small amount of HP to all party members.

Final Fantasy IV: The After Years[edit]

In The After Years, Heal can be performed by using the Healing Staff or Healing Rod. Alternatively, one of Brina's Dances can perform the spell. Both methods restore a small amount of HP to all party members.

Final Fantasy IV Interlude[edit]

Like in the original game, Heal is performed by using the Healing Staff. It restores a small amount of HP to all party members.

Final Fantasy XV: Comrades[edit]

In Comrades, Heal is the most basic healing spell, usable when no weapons that affect healing are equipped. The spell only restores the caster for a small amount of HP, but it's very cheap to use. With the right weapons equipped, Heal can be upgraded to Cure and Cura.

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance[edit]

In Tactics Advance, Mog Aid is a learnable ability for the Mog Knight Job via the Icebrand weapon. The ability restores HP and removes numerous status ailments from the user. The ability has a Power of 35 and requires 300 AP to learn.

Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift[edit]

Like with its predecessor, Moogle Aid is a learnable ability for the Mog Knight Job via the Icebrand weapon. Additionally, it still restores HP and removes numerous status ailments from the user and still requires 300 AP to learn.

Final Fantasy Tactics S[edit]

Heal was a White Magick spell for the Summer Maiden Mynn and Praying Rudolph White Mage units. When used, the spell restores some HP to all targets in a cross-shapped area of effect.

Final Fantasy Adventure[edit]

In this game, casting Heal will restore your status to Normal by removing the Pois, Ston or Dark effect at the cost of 1 MP. It is obtained by Cibba in Wendel. When the spell is cast, the player's DP is accidentally set to 0 until the game is next paused.

Vagrant Story[edit]

There are two variants of Heal. The first is a Shaman Spell learned from the Grimoire Guerir, which costs 5 MP and restores the target's HP.

The second variant is an enemy skill used by Crimson Blade, Goblin Leader, Orc Leader, Lich, Neesa, Gremlin, Ogre and Ogre Lord. This also restores the target's HP.

Final Fantasy Dimensions II[edit]

Heal I-III are magic abilities for Jornee to learn from her Fairy Eidolon. All tiers cost 10 MP, restore HP and cure Poison.

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[edit]

Heal is a shared Soul Break usable by any character with the Healing Staff (IV) equipped. When used, it restores a moderate amount of HP to one character and casts Esuna on them. It requires a singular Soul Break bar to use.