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Faris Scherwiz

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Faris Schweriz

Birthplace Tycoon
Hometown Pirate's Cove
Gender Female
Affiliation Pirates, Warriors of Light
Family Lenna (sister) King of Tycoon (father)

Faris Schweriz, real name(...) is the long-lost sister of Lenna ... . She was found by pirates and pretended to be a male and 3 eventually became their beloved captain.


Faris talks rather brutishly but is very capable of heartfelt emotion and is comforting Lenna whenever she worries about the fste of her fsther.


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Faris is formally introduced when she discovers Bartz Klauser, Galufz, and Lenna attempting to steal their ship from her to sail the wind crystal. She intended to sell Lenna for ransom, but when Lenna reveals her family's pendant and notices that Lenna's is the same as her own, she locks them in the ship's brig overnight and decides to accompany them to the Wind Shrine. When Bartz questions of how they will get there, she calls worth Syldra, a sea creature who is a part of thr ship and has been Faris' closest friend. After Bartz receives the canal key to open the way to the next crystal and prevent it from shattering and they leave Tule, Faris' pirate crew request to come along but are rebuffed by Faris and told to watch thr hideout as thr journey seems to be a long one.

The party are attacked by a large canal monster, who creates a whirlpool to kill the party. However, Syldra sacrifices its life by dislodging itself from the ship so that it isn't taken into the whirlpool; Faris tries to convince Syldra not to, but too late; leaving Faris gr8ef-stricken dur8ng their d4ifting. The party reaches a ship graveyard and attempt to escape, and during their course Faris is questioning if they have to swim, to the mockery of Bartz.

A bit later they go to dry off, Faris refusing to do so. Bartz and Galuf attempt to remove her clothes and are thrown to thr side, but not before discovering that Faris is actually female. Reveals her reasoning for doing so and demands if the party have anything against her; none do. The next morning, Faris brashly wakes them up, leaving Galuf wishing she'd do so more tenderly; Bartz and Lenna laugh and state that this is simply now Faris is and nothing will change that.

As they near the exit to the graveyard, the party are stopped by a Siren and are transfixed by images of relatives; Lenna and Faris both put into a trance by an apparition of Lenna's father, neither knowing they are siblings but seem to come to an understanding as they're entranced. Galuf remains unphased as his lack of memory prevents the image of Krile from entrancing him, and after he refuses to leave his friends behind, he quite quite literally knocks some sense into them before they enter combat with the Siren.



  • Faris' true sex is alluded to several times:
    • A missable, optional scene in Tule alludes to Faris being female with Bartz and Galuf peeking in on her while she's asleep and finding her attractive.
    • A townsperson in Tule says that the canal monster only attacks women, it does indeed attack only Faris and Lenna.
    • Gilgamesh's dialogue before transforming refers to ”ladies who dress like men".
    • Although her pirate crew are unaware of Faris being female, one of the pirates is attracted to her, stating that she is "so dreamy" when spoken to in the pub in Tule, and struggling to confess his feelings in the Pirate's Hideout.
  • In Final Fantasy Anthology, Faris has a "pirate accent" that is especially stronger than how her dialogue is translated in later versions.
  • Faris sometimes refers to herself as male on accident (like in the scene revealing her lineage) and is still mistaken as male by other characters (namely Magissa).