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Tower of Zot

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Tower of Zot
Tower of Zot FFIV SNES screenshot.jpg
The Tower of Zot in the original Super Nintendo version

Game appearance(s) Final Fantasy IV
Type Tower
Greater location Baron
Inhabitants Golbez, Magnus Sisters
Unique item(s) Flame Sword

The Tower of Zot is a location in Final Fantasy IV. It is a tall seven-floor tower where Golbez is located for most of the game. The Tower of Zot is a mostly empty maze-like area with a futuristic chrome-like design. It is an unrevisitable location, as it cannot be accessed from the world map, and is never shown from the outside.


Cecil and his party visit the Tower of Zot late in their adventure. From the Enterprise, they connect a bridge to Kain's airship and give him the Earth Crystal, hoping he will free Rosa. Kain instructs the party to follow him, and both their airships go up to the Tower of Zot. There, the party hears Golbez calling them from the top floor, saying that he will free Rosa once they give him the Earth Crystal. As the party makes their way through the Tower of Zot, they encounter a boss trio, the Magnus Sisters, on the fifth floor.

The party eventually reach the seventh floor and give the Earth Crystal to Golbez. It is revealed that he tricked the party as he still refuses to release Rosa. Tellah gets infuriated and casts a Meteor spell on Golbez, severely injuring himself in the process. Golbez is weakened, no long having control over Kain, and leaves the Tower of Zot. The party manage to free Rosa just seconds before a steel blade (or a metal ball in the original Final Fantasy IV Easy-Type and Final Fantasy II releases) fell and would have killed her. Just as they are about to escape the Tower of Zot, Barbariccia appears, starting another battle. After she is defeated, the Tower of Zot starts to collapse. Rosa uses Teleport so that they all escape from the tower.

The party is teleported back into Cecil's Bedchamber at Baron Castle. Cecil thought that the Enterprise was destroyed from the Tower of Zot's collapse, but is then relieved when Cid tells him that the Enterprise returned to Baron via remote control. They continue to use the Enterprise in their journey.

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