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Final Fantasy XVI artwork of Gav
Birthplace Northern Territories
Age 26
Gender Male
Species Human
Weapon(s) Swords
Affiliation Cursebreakers
Occupation Outlaw
English voice actor Christopher York
Japanese voice actor Anri Katsu

Gav is a character in Final Fantasy XVI. He is an outlaw and Cid's most trusted scout.



Gav was born in the Northern Territories. Just as his mother was giving birth to him, his family was killed when the Holy Empire of Sanbreque invaded his village. At some point he met Cidolfus Telamon and joined his cause of liberating persecuted Bearers across Valisthea, becoming his most trusted scout.

Final Fantasy XVI[edit]

Cid sends Gav to the village of Lostwing to find the rumored second Dominant of Fire and some persecuted Bearers, but is caught by the Royal Intelligencers led by Benedikta Harman. He was rescued by Cid and his new protege, Clive Rosfield. Gav informs the two that the royalists are abducting the village's Bearers and looking for someone. Clive asks him if he was the second Dominant of Fire, but Gav did not know, he didn't hold a sign to identify himself. Cid then sends Gav after the Intelligencers to find out where they are taken. When he returns, he reports that they have been taken to a stronghold known as Caer Norvent.

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