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Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings

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Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings

ファイナルファンタジーXII レヴァナント・ウイング
Fainaru Fantajī Revananto Uingu


Think & Feel
Square Enix


Square Enix


Nintendo DS

Release date:

Japan April 26, 2007
United States November 20, 2007
Europe Australia February 15, 2008


Tactical RPG


Single player


ESRB: E10+

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Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings is a real-time tactical role-playing game for the Nintendo DS. It was developed by Think & Feel and Square Enix, who also published the game in 2007 in Japan and North America and in 2008 in Europe and Australia. The game is a sequel to Final Fantasy XII, and was the first game to be announced for the Ivalice Alliance series (although Final Fantasy Tactics is the earliest installment).

The story takes place one year after the events of Final Fantasy XII. The protagonist Vaan is a sky pirate who has his own airship. He is joined in a quest by his friend and navigator Penelo, other returning characters from the original title, and some new ones such as Llyud, a member of the Aegyl race. Their treasure-hunting adventures take them to Lemurés and the ground below, where the story begins.

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