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Artwork of Ingus for Final Fantasy III (3D remake)

Hometown Sasune
Gender Male
Species Human

Ingus is one of the four party members in the remake of Final Fantasy III and the last party member.


Ingus was one of the four children taken to the Floating Continent by Cid Haze as their own world was submerged and frozen in time. He was found and reared in Castle Sasune, where he was trained to serve as a knight, never knowing of the other three that were with him. He gained favor with the royal court and was appointed retainer to Princess Sara, with whom he has fallen in love. When Lady Sara suddenly goes missing, Ingus wishes to form a search party to locate her. As it happens, the entire kingdom has been cursed by the Djinn, released from its seal moments before. Luneth and his party seek a means to defeat the Djinn as well. Ingus, unaffected by the curse himself, agrees to join them and find Sara.

The four find Sara safely within the Sealed Cave as she is the only one with a Mythril Ring to seal Djinn away, and after a brief chat, Sara joins them. The group then finds Djinn at the altar, where he attacks them under the influence of a strange dark energy. The warriors manage to subdue him, leaving Sara to seal him away for good. The warriors are soon after recalled to the Altar Cave, where Ingus and the other warriors are blessed by the Wind Crystal as the newest Warriors of Light. When they return to the Sealed Cave, Ingus and co. are at last able to escort Lady Sara back to the castle. She tells the party to throw her ring into the pool of holy water in the castle basement. The curse is henceforth dispelled, and Ingus takes his leave to join the others with Lady Sara to see them off.



Ever the dutiful knight, Ingus is often the voice of reason for the party. He speaks with a noble air.


  • In official illustrations and the FMV animations, Ingus is shown as a Red Mage, implying it is his canon job
  • Despite starting as a Freelancer like every other character, Ingus's default clothing is similar to the Warrior job
