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Flamerus Rex

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Flamerus Rex

Artwork of Flamerus Rex from the Final Fantasy Mystic Quest Strategy Guidebook
Furēmu Saurusu
First appearance Final Fantasy Mystic Quest (1992)
Other names Flamerous Rex
Related characters and species
Skullrus Rex

Flamerus Rex, also formatted Flamerous Rex,[1] is a red, skeletal Tyrannosaurus rex and a boss encountered in Final Fantasy Mystic Quest. It is the first of the Vile Four encountered. Despite its name, Flamerus Rex is not associated with the element of fire.

On their journey, Benjamin and Tristam encounter the Flamerus Rex on the lowest floor of the Bone Dungeon. They find that it is draining the Crystal of Earth of its power, and battle the Flamerus Rex. During battle, Flamerus Rex uses five different attacks: Bone Missile, Twin Fang, Rip Earth, Sleep Powder, and Chew Off. Because Flamerus Rex is an undead enemy, it takes heavy damage from the Cure spell. As the Flamerus Rex takes damage, it loses more of its bones. In its weakest form, the Flamerus Rex is shown to be a pile of bones. Once Flamerus Rex is defeated, the Crystal of Earth is recovered.

Later, as Benjamin and Phoebe traverse the Doom Castle, they encounter and battle the Skullrus Rex, a weaker relative of the Flamerus Rex.


  • HP: 22,000
  • Attack power: 70
  • Defense power: 60
  • EXP: 120





Names in other languages[edit]

Language Name Meaning
German Glut Stepper


  1. ^ Final Fantasy Mystic Quest Strategy Guidebook, page 23.