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Earth (element)

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Earth, sometimes referred to as Quake, is a recurring element that appears in the Final Fantasy series. It is generally opposed to the Wind element. The Earth element is associated with the Quake spell and the status effect Rasp in Final Fantasy XI. Depending of the game, Earth-elemental either deals bonus damage to flying enemies, deals reduced damage to them, or outright deals no damage at all.

Abilities dealing Earth damage[edit]

Final Fantasy[edit]

Ability Type Notes
Quake Black Magic Instant Death attack.
Earthquake Enemy Skill Instant Death attack.

Final Fantasy III[edit]

Ability Type Notes
Quake Black Magic Inflicts Earth-elemental damage to all enemies.
Earthquake Command Inflicts Earth-elemental damage to all enemies.
Earthen Drums Item Cast Quake.

Final Fantasy IV (3D)[edit]

Ability Type Notes
Quake Black Magic Major Earth-elemental damage to all enemies.
Tremor Ninjutsu Major Earth-elemental damage to all enemies.
Titan Summon Moderate Earth-elemental damage to all enemies.
Earthquake Enemy Skill Earth-elemental damage to party.
Earth Drum Item Cast Quake.

Final Fantasy V[edit]

Ability Type Notes
Titan Summon Earth-elemental damage to all enemies.
Earth Shaker Enemy Skill Earth-elemental damage to all foes.
Earthquake Enemy Skill Earth-elemental damage to all foes.

Final Fantasy VI[edit]

Ability Type Notes
Quake Magic Major Earth-elemental damage to all enemies.
Midgardsormr Summon High Earth-elemental damage to all enemies.

Final Fantasy VII[edit]

Ability Type Notes
Quake Magic Minor Earth-elemental damage.
Quake2 Magic Moderate Earth-elemental damage.
Quake3 Magic Major Earth-elemental damage.
Break Magic Extreme Earth-elemental damage. Chance to Petrify.
Titan Summon Moderate Earth-elemental damage to all enemies.
Earthquake Enemy Skill Minor Earth-elemental damage to party.
Sandstorm Enemy Skill Moderate Earth-elemental damage and inflicts Blind to party.
Tremor Enemy Skill Moderate Earth-elemental damage to party.
Earth Drum Item Moderate Earth-elemental damage to all enemies.
Earth Mallet Item Major Earth-elemental damage to all enemies.

Final Fantasy VIII[edit]

Ability Type Notes
Quake Magic Varying Earth-elemental damage to all enemies.
Earthquake Enemy Skill Earth-elemental damage to party.

Final Fantasy IX[edit]

Ability Type Notes
Earth Shake Blue Magic Earth-elemental damage to party.
Fenrir Summon Earth-elemental damage to all enemies.
Earth Power Enemy Skill Minor Earth-elemental damage to party.
Earthquake Enemy Skill Major Earth-elemental damage to party.

Final Fantasy XI[edit]

Ability Type Notes
Stone Black Magic Deals earth damage to an enemy.
Stonega Black Magic Deals Earth damage to enemies within area of effect.
Stoneja Black Magic Deals earth damage to enemies within area of effect. Successive use enhances spell potency.
Quake Ancient Magic Deals earth damage and lowers resistance against wind.
Rasp Ancient Magic Deals earth damage that lowers an enemy's dexterity and gradually reduces its HP.
Sandstorm Enhancing Magic Changes the weather around target party member to "dusty".
Slow Enfeebling Magic Reduces an enemy's attack speed.
Slowga Enfeebling Magic Reduces an enemy's attack speed in a area of effect.
Bad Breath Enemy Skill/Blue Magic Earth damage that inflicts multiple status effects on enemies within a fan-shaped area originating from the caster.
Sandspin Blue Magic Deals earth damage to enemies within range. Additional Effect: Accuracy Down.

Final Fantasy XII[edit]

Ability Type Notes
Hashmal Esper Earth-elemental damage.
Quakeja Enemy Skill Major Earth-elemental damage to all targets in range. 35% chance of inflicting Slow.
Tremor Enemy Skill Physical Earth-elemental damage to all targets in range.

Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings[edit]

Ability Type Notes
Stone Black Magick/Esper Skill Deal earth damage to one foe.
Stonega Black Magick Deal earth damage to all foes in range.
Stoneja Black Magick Deal heavy earth damage to all foes in range.
Hashmal Esper Earth-elemental damage.
Golem Esper Earth-elemental damage.
Titan Esper Earth-elemental damage.

Final Fantasy XIII[edit]

Ability Type Notes
Quake Technique Deals earth-elemental damage to all enemies.
Hecatoncheir Summon Earth-elemental damage.

Final Fantasy XIV[edit]

Ability Type Notes
Quake Black Magic/Enemy Skill Inflicts earth-elemental damage to all nearby enemies. Enemy-only from 1.20 onwards.
Stone Black Magic Inflicts earth-elemental damage to all nearby enemies. Target a single enemy from 1.20 onwards.

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest[edit]

Ability Type Notes
Quake Black Magic Earth-elemental attack to all enemies.
Meteor Wizard Magic Earth-elemental attack to all enemies.
Earthquake Enemy Skill Earth-elemental attack and Speed decrease.

Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light[edit]

Ability Type Notes
Quake Black Magic Minor Earth-elemental damage.
Quakra Black Magic Moderate Earth-elemental damage.
Quaga Black Magic Major Earth-elemental damage.
Earthquake Enemy Skill Moderate Earth-elemental damage.
Sandstorm Enemy Skill Minor earth-elemental damage, 50% chance of inflicting blindness.

Bravely Default[edit]

Ability Type Notes
Quake Time Magic Minor Earth-elemental damage.
Quakra Time Magic Moderate Earth-elemental damage.
Quaga Time Magic Major Earth-elemental damage.
Girtablulu Summon Earth-elemental damage to all enemies.
Earth Drum Item Moderate Earth-elemental damage to all enemies (or allies).
Earth Mallet Item Compounding Major Earth-elemental damage to all enemies (or allies).

Bravely Second: End Layer[edit]

Ability Type Notes
Quake Time Magic Minor Earth-elemental damage.
Quakra Time Magic Moderate Earth-elemental damage.
Quaga Time Magic Major Earth-elemental damage.
Soil Spirit Magic Minor earth damage to all enemies.
Girtablulu Summon Earth-elemental damage to all enemies.
Earth Drum Item Moderate Earth-elemental damage to all enemies (or allies).
Earth Mallet Item Compounding Major Earth-elemental damage to all enemies (or allies).

Bravely Default II[edit]

Ability Type Notes
Stone Red Magic Minor Earth-elemental damage.
Stonera Red Magic Moderate Earth-elemental damage.
Stonega Red Magic Major Earth-elemental damage.
Quake Red Magic High Earth-elemental damage.
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