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(Created page with "The {{nihongo|'''Fool's Missives'''|愚者の手記|Kuja no Shuki|"Fool's Notes"}} are a series of collectible reports in ''Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin''. They provide additional background lore for the game's story, documenting several places, entities and phenomena in the world of Cornelia. ==Story== The Fool's Missives are the memoirs of Astos, a reanimated elf turned into a reconnaissance agent for Lufenia's Stranger Project. Several reports have...")
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Revision as of 22:35, October 23, 2022

The Fool's Missives (愚者の手記 Kuja no Shuki?, "Fool's Notes") are a series of collectible reports in Stranger of Paradise: Final Fantasy Origin. They provide additional background lore for the game's story, documenting several places, entities and phenomena in the world of Cornelia.


The Fool's Missives are the memoirs of Astos, a reanimated elf turned into a reconnaissance agent for Lufenia's Stranger Project. Several reports have been hidden throughout Cornelia to help guide an amnesiac Jack Garland through his plan to become Chaos and break Cornelia away from Lufenia's influence.

Fool's Missives

I — Chaos Shrine I

Unlocked at the start of the main mission Warriors of Calamity.

This building did not exist—at least, not according to the Lufenians' records. It was only first observed after the Strangers were dispatched here. Why it appears when darkness proliferates remains a mystery...though my bet is you, my dear friends, are intricately involved. Now that all of you have given yourselves over to Chaos, it draws you together and serves as a focus for all your hopes. It is where your story begins, and where all will end.

II — Cornelia

Unlocked when entering Cornelia.

Ah, Cornelia! That joyous city with that proud alabaster castle! Though it lives in the shadow of chaos, its noble people greet the dawn with heads held high.
The spirits of Cornelia's common folk are sustained by the royal family, particularly the beloved princesses. Princess Sarah is Cornelia's moon, her silvery smile a balm that heals any troubled heart. Princess Mia is its sun, a source of comforting warmth to all.
Yet it is a prophecy too that sustains the people's hopes, the wise words of Luhkan foretelling warriors of light who will one day rise up and lead Cornelia to salvation.

III — Chaos Shrine II

Unlocked at the start of the main mission Illusion at Journey's End.

I had never known a shrine to be here, not in all my past observations. It seems to have suddenly appeared, yet no one has paid this phenomenon any mind. Something must have happened. But what could have triggered this to appear in the distant future, in a place where no one would interfere...?

IV — Bikke

Found in Azure Memories: The Believer.

Bikke is a crusty pirate; of that there is no doubt. Upon our first meeting, I offered to bestow a modicum of my wisdom upon him in return for a promise to guide all who seek chaos to me. To my surprise, he accepted with, ahem...gusto.
A remarkable man, unlike others of his kind he has shown no signs of mistrust or disgust towards me despite my eccentricities or lineage. I suppose his experience as a corsair captain has taught him to use whatever advantages present themselves, regardless of their origin.
Still, I find him to be a fascinating subject, despite his painfully boorish jokes. I only pray that the scraps of knowledge I offer him as gifts will help bend the strands of fate that torment this troubled world.

V — Pravoka Seagrot

Unlocked at the start of The Journey Begins.

It appears that aspects of the aquatic flora and fauna of Dimension 14, not to mention the geography—it is a place quite similar in climate to here, if I recall—inspired the design of this region. I suppose some macroscopic features of this particular environment make it more susceptible to my erstwhile masters' tender ministrations. Really, they extract such twisted pleasure from warping the land to their will.
I had not anticipated this when I first began my observations, but this inhospitable coast has become the den of villainous pirates. Perhaps an echo of the dimension this area was modelled after?

VI — The Western Keep

Unlocked at the start ofAudience with the Dark Elf.

Ah, good old Dimension 2—or the far side of it, anyway. Rumours speak of it as a world steeped in cunning artifice and ruled by a sovereign with a penchant for pernicious tyranny. This cosy little keep was modelled on a location of great significance to said despot, or so I’m told. If that is indeed true, it must be a potent nexus of energy to twist this world to my erstwhile masters' design. Of course, that is true only if I continue to play the part of their faithful tool.

VII — Dark Crystal Functions

Found in Audience with the Dark Elf.

The dark crystals are potent tools. Their powers are many, but most notable is their primary function: to erase memories upon spatial transference and leave naught but an urgent desire in their stead. It is a convenient way to purge inconvenient truths that may prove contrary to the masters' purposes while simultaneously ensuring their agents carry out their mission. Indispensable, it turns out, as residual memories of the past that linger in this world have a tendency to distract agents and steer them down inconvenient paths.
The dark crystals possess many subsidiary functions as well. For one, they serve as temporary storage devices for lost memories. They also seem to attract memory fragments remaining from previous iterations. Lastly, they somehow seem to transcend dimensional paradoxes and remain forever in this world.
Of course, I would be a fool not to turn these crystals to my own ends. They must regain their memories. My lost little ducklings have forgotten which way the wind must blow, and I will use any means to give them a gentle push in the right direction.

VIII — The Four Crystals

Found in Phantoms of the Past.

Four crystalline matrices whose function is to efficiently sustain an unstable world. Placed with great care, they work to balance the primeval energies of the elements and maintain a tenuous harmony. They still the earth when it quakes, quiet the roaring winds, quell raging flames, and restrain the surging tides. To the superstitious humans who dwell here in this land, they must indeed seem as gods of peace and order. And yet, what would those ignorant folk say if they knew that the crystals absorb emotions both kind and cruel, slowly warping them to chaos, filling up with perilous energies until they erupt in malevolent darkness?

IX — The Fifth Dark Crystal

Found in The Journey Begins.

A girl once walked these lands in ages long past. Skilled in both sword and sorcery yet pure of heart, she longed for nothing more than to see that there was peace and prosperity for all. If her time and place had differed, perhaps her end would have been a happier one. Instead, she perceived the rotting core that blights this world and chose to fall to darkness in hopes that she could lead the people to the light.
I saw potential in her plight, and so I gifted her a dark crystal along with a fraction of the truth. Yes, I used her, but for good purpose. The crystal allowed her to be reborn time and time again, and more importantly, laid the fourth and final karmic piece on a board that will one day lead my dear friend to an inevitable conclusion.

X — Memory

Found in Natural Distortion.

Vexing though it is, the dark crystal’s special features erase his memories upon every return to this world. So potent are its effects, the man can't even remember his own name. Strangely enough, it appears that the effects of those phantoms on the others are more ambiguous, leading me to believe a portion of their memories are somehow retained intact. Nevertheless, I suspect the only fact they can recall clearly is that his particular powers are required for our little plan. Still, this should be enough to capitalise on to gain their assistance. I will need to continue to observe them during the next cycle before I make any overt moves, however. Just in case.

XI — The Refrin Wetlands

Unlocked at the start of Natural Distortion.

Dimension 13 is a strange place crafted and governed by a system of divine machines. Though discovered relatively recently, much effort seems to have been put into investigating whether elements necessary for twisting the world can be found in this extraplanar pocket dimension. All that hard work seemed to point quite clearly at this rather aquatic locale.
It appears to be a simple matter to artificially manipulate local weather patterns to force the introduction of unnatural warping into a biosphere. The result: a darkness generator. The product of a perverse design is on full display here, which makes for a fascinating spectacle.

XII — The Crystal Mirage

Unlocked at the start of A Familiar Place.

Modelled after a location discovered in Dimension 3, this area has inherited its antecedent’s amusingly high level of architectural occultation. Crystal Mirage? An apt name for the prototype of the Mirage Tower found in this world.
Experiments carried out here informed the shaping of the Mirage Tower, and once that was completed, this facility was left here with functionality intact to moulder and twist the land around it.

XIII — The Flying Fortress

Unlocked at the start of Memories of Wind

No soaring spire nor towering peak offers such a glorious vantage point to look down upon the world below. For what purpose was it built? I can only assume some form of transportation used by a kingdom or people long vanished from the pages of history.
From my observations, it seems that this floating citadel's inspiration can be traced to the lofty minarets found in Dimension 4. Altered, of course, like so much else, and redesigned to function as a mobile teleportation platform. I can only assume the wind crystal was located here to provide the energy source for this structure's warp mechanisms.

XIV — The Fiend of Wind

Found in Ebon Memories: The Tragic Cynic.

Once upon a time, there was a woman who wished above all else to save the world. Her empathy was her torment, and soon her days were spent consumed with hatred for her own powerlessness—and for the cruel masters who created her miserable world. Alas, naught awaited her but a pointless and violent end. With her last breath she cursed this unjust existence, and lo! Her bitterness reached out and joined hands to the dark emotions swirling within a darkening crystal, and she was reborn as a manifestation of pure malice: Tiamat, Fiend of Wind!
In their gilded halls, the Lufenians frowned at this most unfortunate turn of events. Since that day, she was no longer permitted to return. And yet a hatred as powerful as hers could not be silenced, and no matter how many times the world begins anew she endures, brooding, rancorous, bloated with raw hatred.

XV — Phantoms

Found in Memories of Poison.

A phantom remains almost exactly in the spot in which its corporeal previous existence once perished in worlds past. Creatures of lingering regret, the anguish they feel at the failure in which their previous lives ended keeps them bound in place, transcending time and space to wail their impotent sobs into the uncaring void. Still they remain, seeking succour from themselves, hoping beyond hope to aid their souls reborn so that they don't repeat the same mistakes time and time again.
I can only hope that the knowledge these phantoms hold may aid my friends with their formidable task...

XVI — The Wicked Arbor

Unlocked at the start of Memories of Poison.

Someone once told me that this location bears a striking similarity to a place in Dimension 9. There, it is a strange locus that exudes darkness—or something resembling it—and has a guardian that resides within.
Why my erstwhile masters chose to reconstruct that curious spot here I cannot say, but it has become a powerful source local warping. Surprisingly, it appears not to be an exact replica. Perhaps it was altered in an experimental attempt to prevent any unwanted guests from reaching the crystal?

XVII — Mount Gulg

Unlocked at the start of Memories of Fire.

With its fiery chasms and gouts of flame, this land feels as if it was shaped specifically to pay homage to the fire crystal. As I understand it, my erstwhile masters chose a site from Dimension 8 to model this locale after. There it was the domain of a lord of flame, and surprise of surprises, they didn't turn off the pyrotechnics when they recreated it here. In fact, I recall a talk the lead designer gave discussing how the presence of this location has increased the aggregate thermal energy energy of the world.

XVIII — The Fiend of Fire

Found in Ebon Memories: The Truthseeker.

Once upon a time, there was a girl who prayed with all her might to become Chaos. Her prayers were answered when she made a deal with certain parties she befriended. With newly acquired dark crystal in hand, she let rage devour her, and in the instant before death took her, the emotions and darkness gathered within the fire crystal reached out and took her hand. Thus the girl was reborn as Marilith, Fiend of Fire.
Ahem, storytelling aside, it appears the dark crystals are indeed the trigger. I had thought the darkness and emotional energy alone were enough, but only when the torrent of memories held by one with a powerful will links their heart to a dark crystal can chaos emerge. Strange to think that while my erstwhile masters fear the notion of chaos, it is by their own hand that they shape the conditions from which it forms. How amusingly awkward for them.

XIX — The Hallowed Massif

Unlocked at the start of Phantoms of the Past.

The land around the earth crystal's temple was once fertile and green, a lush paradise flowing with milk and honey. The foul designs of the Lufenians changed all that, and by their hand all became barren and tainted.
But I get ahead of myself. This locale was modelled after a towering peak from Dimension 10. After being set here, the fertile valleys and rich meadows of this mountain range were transformed into an eternally frozen landscape of death.
I do not imagine those who once prayed here could ever have foreseen the blasted desolation this land would become.

XX — The Cavern of Earth

Unlocked at the start of Memories of Earth.

All that lives must one day perish, all flesh destined to return to the earth and nourish new growth. Thus, the power of rock and stone, soil and loam, is inextricably tied to that of death. Ah, here I am waxing philosophical again. Bad habits.
Now, it is from Dimension 12 that the sanctum of earth was drawn, a graveyard where death dwells and the power of the earth can wax full. Apparently, this locale was modelled on a tomb for some ancient exalted one. Fascinating.

XXI — The Fiend of Earth

Found in Ebon Memories: The Yearner.

Once upon a time, a...friend of mine was driven by a conviction so strong it could put fear into the hearts of the gods themselves. A man looked up to him, and my friend in turn trusted this man with his life. This man, well, the thing he feared the most was losing his companions, and one in particular most of all. Not just because he had faith in him, no, but because there was some great deed he was destined to do. And so this man strove to become strong enough to protect everyone he cared about.
He failed. Soon both he and his friends lay dead by the wayside, their bones destined to rot in the sand. Or so it was to be, until the ball of sorrow and regret that was the man's soul linked with the darkness inside the earth crystal and transformed his remains into Lich, Fiend of Earth.
The arrogant masters in their gilded halls knew naught of this. For you see, I kept this particular tidbit of information from them for the sake of our plan.

XXII — The Ruins of Machina

Unlocked at the start of To Remember.

In the world that inspired this place lies a kingdom that used the power of crystals to flourish. In my humble opinion, that ability to manipulate crystals was what they should have chosen as a model from Dimension 5. But no, they chose an ancient ruin studded with weapons that resembles nothing more than a colossal ship of war. I can only assume they intended this location as an emergency plan of sorts. Its motive power being a powerful crystal, authorisation for its deployment was strictly limited to true emergencies only. That being said, it seems that those who crafted this place never had any occasion to use these weapons, and so the ruins were buried, slowly decaying into corruption.

XXIII — The Sunken Shrine

Unlocked at the start of Memories of Water.

A facility for harvesting the energy of a planet. Not unusual in Dimension 7, the place that inspired this particular work. In fact, that harvesting mechanism is modelled in detail here to serve as a safe repository for the water crystal.
Using collected energy as a power source, the crystal was intended to control the waters of this world in an attempt to maintain balance. The great power of water to nourish causes the absorption of too much energy and prayer, however—regardless of whether good or ill. In the end, this will cause the crystal to fall to corruption, and in its fall it will twist this world to dark ends.

XXIV — The Fiend of Water

Found in Ebon Memories: The Power-Hungry.

In a previous loop, he told me that unlike the others he was a mere commoner, or its equivalent. Perhaps some arcane social intricacies up there I dare not theorise about are to blame, but from what I saw of him, his abilities and rank put him on equal footing with the other Strangers. Still, he persisted in debasing himself.
Now for a man beguiled by strength like him, having such a prime specimen of pure power always near at hand must have contributed to his inferiority complex. Then again, it must be hard to see your own worth when your peers are prodigies too. That must have fuelled the resentment he drowned in as he laid dying, and what triggered his transformation into Kraken, Fiend of Water. Ironically, this very transformation is what proves beyond doubt that he is the equal of any of his peers.

XXV — The Sixth Dark Crystal

Found in Schemes of the Past.

When a strong-willed bearer of a dark crystal merges with the tenebrous emotions of the world, it is a gamble whether or not they can withstand the transformation into fiend. Curious though I may be to learn the answer to this question, whether or not she could endure this process remains a mystery for now. Then again, it is unlikely she would ever suffer herself to be joined in any way to the darkness. Even still, to achieve the future my dear friend so desperately seeks, this very scenario must come to pass. She is the final piece of the puzzle, and perhaps even the most potent of them all.

XXVI — Princess Sarah I

Found in Illusion at Journey's End.

She is akin to the crystals. I do not say this idly, of course, but with great conviction. Like the crystals, she is an object of love, worship, gratitude, and hope. Light is drawn to her like a moth is to flame.
But she too bears a dark crystal, and so the darkness that springs from reality's warping is also drawn to her. What this means is that her existence is likely to become that of a harmonising element—one of a rare few that can maintain the balance between light and dark.

XXVII — Princess Sarah II

Found in Warriors of Calamity.

When the harmonious balance that defines her collapses—in short, when the darkness of her crystal or her innate light undergo a sudden, violent shift—a singularity that will warp the very fabric of this world will manifest. All the darkness in Cornelia will gather to her, and when it joins to her light there will be no mutual annihilation, but a convergence leading to the birth of Chaos. It is this very end that my dear friend must seek, painful though it may be for him to endure. For he needs her to fulfil this forgotten aim, and seeing her safe is the key to everything.

XXVIII — Princess Sarah III

Found in Warriors of Calamity.

Within the heart of the singularity he will be reborn. But to be merely reborn is not enough—he must accept the chaotic darkness of the singularity into his very soul.
Following a similar principle to how the fiends manifest, it is emotion and despair merging that converts the gloom born from a singularity into true darkness. From this it should be evident that darkness will follow him wherever he goes, drawn ever to the gravitational well of his momentous despair. It is the darkness injected into this world and the darkness born and bred here that will guide him to the inevitable conclusion of our ploy. All that is left is for him to use the warp device I prepared to send himself and all his accompanying shadows to that pocket dimension of theirs.
Our plan will end in failure if we cannot seize the power to reset the world from them. Isn't that right, Jack?

XXIX — Jack I

Found in Remembering Home.

The desperate hunger gnawing at the Strangers' hearts was put there by the Lufenians. The urge to destroy Chaos is the principle that will guide them, and through it the overall quantity of darkness in this world will be diminished. That is why he fights even now.
But what will become of him when Chaos in all its current forms is defeated? When he rediscovers his own links to Lufenia? What then will be his reason to fight?
If he cannot remember his final goal, it is then that my services as shepherd will be truly needed...though I genuinely hope that he can recall his true mission without need for my intervention.

XXX — Jack II

Found in Schemes of the Past.

There is a fairy tale that is well known. A story of heroes who wield the holy power of light to banish the vile darkness. The people hail them as saviours, showering them with honour and affection and giving them a noble appellation: the warriors of light.
Of course, it's all a load of hogwash. A fable cooked up by ignorant fools who cling to idiotic fantasies while remaining blind to reality. I've seen this story play out a thousand times, and it bores me. The dimwitted masses work themselves into a frenzy of hope. When their impossible expectations are not met, they sink into the depths of despair. What follows is condemnation, hatred, and inevitable betrayal. The true nature of man. A pretty thing, isn't it?
Yet despite all of this, my dear friend still wishes to protect this world., that is misleading. Salvation is a mere side effect. What he does is not for the sake of some noble ideal. No, his motivations are pure: hatred and rage.

Fool's Missive XXXI — Jack III

Found in Wariors of Calamity.

This world is Lufenia's playground; a laboratory for them to conduct their experiments in light and dark, with every living thing their lab animal. Jack was understandably filled with unspeakable fury when he learned this truth. He is a pure sort, and it is this very innocence that pushes him to rebel against his masters now, no matter how futile that struggle may be. Perhaps this aspect of his personality too was implanted in him by the Lufenians, but I choose to believe otherwise. Heart is what defines my Jack, and I will put my faith in that.
It was Jack who authored our ploy, and even if he forgets it—even if he forgets me—I will gladly risk life and limb to set him on the right path. We will sever our world from its unjust faith and set it spiralling into a chaotic void where it can finally be master of its own destiny. That is the least I can do to thank him and the others for accepting me as one of their own.

XXXII — The Warriors of Light

Found in Coral Memories - The Avenger.

The entity known as Chaos did not exist in this world originally. In truth, it can only manifest when a number of conditions are met: ample darkness generated by distortions, a warrior's will, burgeoning emotions, and all of the above binding themselves inextricably to a dark crystal. Only then can Chaos emerge to wrest away the power of the crystals.
It bears to reason then that the mythical warriors of light too may not exist natively, but require an external catalyst. This is merely an educated guess, but I believe with the radiance of a healthy crystal, an appropriate medium—a dark crystal would do most nicely—and a warrior's will—no, I shouldn't waste any more time on this trifling matter. The answer is clear to me, after all. The only heroes capable of freeing Cornelia from Lufenia's vile grasp are Jack, Sophia, Neon, Ash, and Jed. Of that I have no doubt.

XXXIII — The Ancients' Tower

Unlocked at the start of Schemes of the Past.

The facility they sent here this time is a tower of legend in Dimension 11. It is filled with a great machine, it is said, from which a singularity can be woken that can reshape the very laws of the cosmos. If that is indeed true, then I do not doubt it can be used to accelerate the formation of darkness and usher in the apocalypse.
While the wailing moans of despair do not yet echo full in the air, the time is not yet ripe to open the gates of Armageddon. But with my subtle guidance, I do not expect the advent of true despair to be far off.

XXXIV — Vigilia Court

Unlocked at the start of Returning Home.

This twin-headed skyscraper once played host to a crystal, and as such contains the technology needed to control its power. I was told that in its origin world—Dimension 15—the crystal was stolen, which was the trigger that allowed darkness to engulf that realm. I have no way of knowing what the fate of that place was, but it appears that the Lufenians brainstormed a way to send perfectly measured packages of darkness its way. I suppose they were left with no choice but to abandon the subtler methods they usually prefer.

XXXV — Terra Tortūra

Unlocked at the start of The Suffering of Fools.

They call this place a "facility". A facility, hah! It's like calling a planet a rock. Accurate, yes, but it does not do it justice. An island, a massive continent, it was chosen this time for the vast stores of quasi-magical energy stored here. In Dimension 6 where legends of this land still linger, it is a harbinger of the end times. Likely as not, the energy lying untapped here has something to do with that. Though the sum total of darkness grows ever greater, if you, my dear friend, can make it here, perhaps this time...

XXXVI — On the Topic of Species

Found in The Suffering of Fools.

Many peoples were born from Lufenia's biological experiments. Take the dwarves, for example. Strong, resilient, optimised for survival in a wide array of inhospitable climes, dwarves were created from the Lufenian's attempts to adapt humans to a variety of different environments. And don't even get me started on the elves, a species that emerged from a mutation resulting from the Lufenian's gleeful manipulation of the genes for long life.
What I'm driving at is that to the Lufenians, all life on our world has no value except as lab specimens. I suppose this "glorious future" they're driving at needs a lot of artificially produced organic creations.

XXXVII — About the Author (Astos)

Found in Ebon Memories: The Soul Seeker.

I am an organic reconnaissance unit, and like so many other peoples of Cornelia, a product of Lufenia's penchant for biogenetic manipulation.
I am, in essence, a local elf that was "recovered" and manufactured into what I am today. Not to brag, but I recall hearing that my design was quite ingenious, too. Similar to the dark crystals, I was tailored to monitor darkness while accumulating data in memory format. Even were I to die, those memories would be simply transferred into a fresh vessel by the Lufenians' technological cunning.
This endless nightmare of memory is what allows me to recall with perfect detail the tragedy of watching those I care about going to meet their doom again and again. To save my friends and to save my myself, I will guide my charges onto the proper path.


Found in Warriors of Calamity.

Describe Chaos for me, will you? What shape does this legendary creature of darkness and terror assume? To listen to the rumours on the street, as many fanciful forms as their are stars in the sky. And yet, there is one trait all descriptors have in common: it appears as an inhuman monster, terrible to behold.
When rage and despair are bound to emotion, Chaos takes form. How will it change my dear friend, I wonder, when his transformation is complete? An anatomy of terror in the eyes of the Lufenians, I am sure, but to my fellow conspirators and I, a last glittering ray of hope.

XXXIX — Letter to Jack I

Found in Warriors of Calamity.

The Lufenians speak of this "glorious future" of theirs with reverence, but it is a future for who, exactly? It is painfully obvious that any and all life in Cornelia has no place in their coming utopia. And in that sense, their seemingly cruel actions are perfectly rational—at least from the perspective of maintaining balance.
And that is precisely why I must ensure that your desperate plan succeeds, Jack. All the gears have been set in motion, all the pieces set in place. Travel to the heart of the Chaos Shrine to bring an end to it all.

XL — Letter to Jack II

Found in Warriors of Calamity.

Far, far away lies a place that can only be considered another dimension. Here, the Lufenians constructed what they call "stations" to serve their needs. Stations are like homes to the Strangers, and in a sense, like a second home to me.
From the various stations, the Lufenians monitor and control the very fate of the world. With cold rationality they fine-tune the balance of light and dark, and even wield the power to reset existence if deemed necessary.
A long time ago, you told me that you wished to completely sever our world from the Lufenians and wrest the power to reset the world from their grip. To this end, you hatched a plot, and spoke at great length to me of my role within it.
But enough history. This message is likely my final piece of guidance to you before you warp to Lufenia, Jack. Become Chaos. Free us from the shackles of our would-be gods.