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(This could definitely use some reorganizing but here's the result of my search through a bunch of books, games, and videos)
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Profiles and statistics

This is a list of profiles and statistics for goblins.

In-game profiles

Final Fantasy Tactics

Vagrant Story

Stocky demihumans that form bands to attack their prey.

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

Cretins with big ears and fangs. Strong and stupid.

Bravely Default

These denizens of the mountains and forests pose little threat alone, but spell trouble in groups. Their Charge attacks can be somewhat hard to deal with.

Final Fantasy Explorers

A wily demihume with high intelligence and its own language. Uses a crude sword and armor.

Bravely Second

These imps dwell in mountains, forests, and other hidden, less-traveled places.
Goblins like to lay in ambush to surprise small groups of travelers. Local villagers sometimes try to organize culls to drive them away, but they always come back again. Goblins are not fearsome foes, but they do breed like rabbits. Their Charge attacks can trouble unwary adventurers.

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius

An ugly and wicked little demon. It enjoys the suffering of humans, will often attack unprovoked, and even steals property and livestock.

World of Final Fantasy

A Mirage that travels in numbers. Has a nasty set of gnashers, but rarely attacks by biting. After all, goblin-punching is way, way more satisfying.

Final Fantasy XV

  • Alpha
    A widely known daemon that lurks in the darkness, venturing out at night to wreak havoc across the land. Though daemons vary vastly in shape and size, every single kind is considered a threat to humankind.
    Size: 4.23 ft. Weight: 62.8 lb.
  • Beta
    Now haunting the Balouve Mines in Leide, this miner-turned-goblin marauds under the veil of darkness and scares off the remaining humans still living in the area. Hunters head into the mines from time to time to exterminate these daemons dwelling there, but they have yet to get to the root of the problem.
    Size: 4.26 ft. Weight: 63.2 lb.
  • Gamma
    Native to Niflheim, and stronger than goblins found anywhere else in Lucis. Though the empire attempted to leverage their scientific might to use daemons as weapons, it was unable to exert complete control over all of its creations.
    Size: 4.29 ft. Weight: 65.9 lb.
  • Delta
    A fearsome goblin sealed deep beneath the surface. Though physically similar to its progenitors, this daemon's abilities greatly surpass those of more common goblins. Its superior thieving skills in particular allow it to snatch valuable items from unsuspecting targets.
    Size: 4.29 ft. Weight: 66.3 lb.

Bravely Default II

Small, sword-wielding monsters that tend to live on grassy plains.

Final Fantasy XVI

A common species of beastman. While at first glance they may seem like mindless predators, goblins have their own unique language, and are skilled enough to both cast magicks and make rudimentary tools and weapons. While mostly found on the continent of Storm, the spread of the Blight has forced them to find homes nearby human settlements—a move that oft ends in misunderstanding and bloodshed.

Book profiles

Final Fantasy III [Dai-2-kan] Kanzen Kōryaku-hen (Jō)

Though they may look like small humans, they are cruel, ugly, filthy demons. They often act as a group, but in the end they're small fry.

Final Fantasy IV Sentō Kaiseki-hen

Oni less than half the height of a human. Of your many enemies, they are the weakest.

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest Strategy Guidebook

Dressed in their favored reddish clothes and cap, these thugs kick and punch the daylights out of you.

Final Fantasy V Sentō Kaiseki-hen

Though they look like small oni, they are bloodthirsty monsters. They don't carry weapons, but they're good at using Goblin Punch with their bare hands.

Vagrant Story: The Official Strategy Guide

Goblins are very similar to their distant kin, the Orcs. They, too, usually appear in groups. Lacking intelligence, they are still capable of altering their tactics depending on their weapons. A Goblin with a crossbow will always try to attack from a position safely out of your reach. Corner it or chase it onto an obstacle to cut off its escape route.

Final Fantasy I·II Official Complete Guide

  • 「素手でも応戦できるキング・オブ・ザコ。わざわざ魔法を使うのはもったいない。パーティー全員打撃で応戦。」
    The king of small fry, you can fight against them even unarmed. It's a waste to go out of your way to use magic. Have the whole party fight back with blows. (Final Fantasy)
  • 「序盤でも一撃で倒せるほど弱いので、ぎる稼ぎに向いている。ただし、集団で出てきた場合は注意しよう。」
    Since they're weak enough to defeat in a single strike even at the beginning of the game, they're well-suited for earning gil. But be careful if they appear en masse. (Final Fantasy II)

Final Fantasy VII Ultimania Omega

「ゼイオの実を持っている、唯一のモンスター。『ゴブリンパンチ』がラーニング可能 。」
The only monsters to have Zeio Nuts. Goblin Punch can be learned.

Final Fantasy IV Official Complete Guide

They always attack in groups, but their stats are low and they aren't a threat. You definitely want to get the Goblin summon item.


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