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From Final Fantasy Wiki
Revision as of 21:55, April 3, 2020 by Results May Vary (talk | contribs) (added)
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This is a template that emulates the function of the <ref> and <references/> tags. It can sometimes be preferable to actual ref tags since it allows multiple lists of footnotes in a single article, while the ref tags do not. In an article where only one list of footnotes is needed, ref tags are usually preferable.



Will create a footnote tag like this: 1 Note that the one can be virtually anything, although some characters may need to be escaped. For example, [1] is escaped as {{footnote|main|&#‍91;1&#‍93;}}. This should be used in the main text to provide a link to the footnote.

{{footnote|note|1|Example Footnote}}

Will create this:
1 - Example Footnote
This should be used in a list of notes after the main text of an article or paragraph.


Original template is from Super Mario Wiki.