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User:Lennethinian/sandbox/Final Fantasy Wiki:Spoiler Policy

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Spoilers for the sake of clarity are defined as major developments or twists in a story or character's life that are revealed outside its source material. Some examples:

  • The death of a major character or someone important to the subject's life
  • Major plot reveals that were previously only alluded to or completely hidden

Revealing such things haphazardly could lead readers getting information told to them when they wanted to be shown to them at the time of reveal. To prevent this, they should only be mentioned the subject's Biography/History/Story/Plot/etc. section.

Media (Games, movies,etc.)[edit]

Plot summaries must contain a spoiler warning either from the beginning or before the section before a major plot development or twist occurs (The age of the media is irrelevant as many newcomers can and have played older media with no knowledge about it ahead of time). If needed, there will be specific games with spoiler thresholds mentioned here in the future.


Mentioning non-major events in the story that happen to be past the spoiler warning for the character's biography in other parts of the article anr the wiki at large is allowed as long as they're not directly connected to a major plot (i.e. mentioning Tidus' more melancholic narration in Final Fantasy X in his personality section is fine as long as examples aren't related to a major event in the character's life or media's story).

Death or other major status[edit]

If a character dies partway through the story (or is thought to be but is actually alive) or develops or loses some other kind of major condition (like becoming, crippled or undergoing a major personality change), only mention this change

Hidden or otherwise part of a reveal[edit]

If the nature of a character is itself a spoiler (as in, this character's existence is mostly unknown or hidden from the player), then simply mark a spoiler warning at the top of the article.